Saying Hello and Goodbye at Triangle

It truly was an honor to teach at the last official function of Triangle Photographers in Cranberry Township last week. The reason for their closing is posted on the Triangle website at this link. I was pleased to accept Chairman Joan Stewart’s invitation from the Triangle Board of Directors to present my two-day workshop, and it was lovely to have a chance to stop in at Joan’s charming farmhouse studio and gardens. Joan was one of the first photographers to come to my 4-day Guerrilla Management Workshops in the late 1990s, so it was great to spend time with her again.

As I expected, I had a chance to see old friends from Triangle who go way back, such as Vice Chairman Bill Penberthy and board members Evert Briggs and Ron Westerman. I’ve known them most of my working life in photography. I’m aware of how hard they, and the rest of the board worked to keep Triangle afloat. It was such a pleasure to renew some acquaintances and make new friends among such a wonderful group of photographers.

Almost as an afterthought when the program was over, someone suggested that we take a group picture. Unfortunately some people had already left, but at least we have this one to commemorate Triangle’s closing event. I know I’m not the only one who hopes that sooner rather than later photographers who recognize the value of learning from each other will pull together and restart the association.

By the time I got home I received this group selfie from Nathan Ballash, who was sorry to miss the group shot. Thanks Nathan!

A final thank you to Joan for one last opportunity to take part in a Triangle event! Also, a special shout out to Bill Penberthy and Evert Briggs for their outstanding support at the workshop!

Just as I was about to post this item, I received a video from Marco da Silva, showing the wonderful 6-minute speech that his daughter Rebeca made for her local Toastmasters group. She did an outstanding job of passing on information that she learned at the workshop. With her permission, I’m posting it here as an encouragement for everyone to get the word out to consumers about digital impermanence any way possible. Thanks to the da Silvas for coming all the way from Rochester Hills, Michigan. Check out their excellent website here. Great job Rebeca! And my very best wishes to all Triangle Photographers!

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