Celebrating in New Orleans
April/25/2009 Fascinating Folks

Carol Andrews didn’t have to twist my arm to jump on a plane for an overnight visit to New Orleans to link up with her and new husband, Greg Jensen, on their honeymoon. They timed their Houston wedding so that they could travel to New Orleans for the annual French Quarter Festival, bringing along daughter, Molly, and Molly’s friend, Alisa. How fun! I would finally get to meet Greg and Alisa (who’s been like a sister to Molly), and get to visit with the captivating Molly, who I’ve known since she was five and who is now a college freshman.
I’ve known about Greg’s talent for a while now: He’s an artist, sculptor, silversmith and engraver, who has a fascinating upscale niche business (men’s belt buckles and accessories), which you can read about by clicking here. Turns out he’s a darn fine photographer as well. How wonderful that Carol has found her artistic soulmate!

We had a ball photographing festival activities throughout the French Quarter . . .

. . . as did pals Gail Nogle (left) and Gayletta Tompkins, who also dropped in to celebrate the honeymoon . . .

. . . and to take a look at Greg’s handwork: his and Carol’s gorgeous wedding rings!

Carol grabbed this shot of me on St. Ann’s street, which made me feel right at home.

I caught Molly and Alisa waiting patiently for a table at a WONDERFUL restaurant that was aptly named “Eat.” Great food at great prices and a lovely laid-back atmosphere.

You never know what kind of characters you will run into in NOLA, and the next two shots prove it: Just outside our hotel we met up with Santa Claus, who was wearing his summer uniform and carrying government I.D. to prove he was who he said he was.

Later we spotted this trio, who Gail decided should be photographed with me. Just love the hair! (Theirs, not mine.)

It was hard to head home on such a beautiful New Orleans spring day, but it was just wonderful to enjoy a spur-of-the-moment getaway . . . especially when there was such a great reason to celebrate: Cheers to Carol and Greg! May you have many happy years together!