Operation Smile Studios
It's Good Business To Be An Operation Smile Studio!
There is nothing in my photographic career that has given me more satisfaction and joy as watching my fellow photographers reach out and support the work of Operation Smile, the charitable partner of PPA Charities. Because so many of us make our livings by photographing the smiles of happy children and their proud families, it’s hard to imagine a more appropriate charity to support than Operation Smile, whose volunteer medical professionals and staff make it possible to transform the lives of children by repairing their smiles for as little as $240. |

Now Your Business Can Become an Operation Smile Studio!
This month PPA Charities began an initiative that will allow Operation Smile to provide hundreds more needy children with the gift of surgery each year: For a donation of only $240, you can become a 2010 Operation Smile Studio, which proclaims to your clients that you are part of an international commitment to transform the lives of these precious children and their families.
A $240 donation is well within the reach of every PPA studio: Simply donate $10 each for 24 sessions, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you, personally, have profoundly improved the life of a deserving child.
It Really IS Good Business!
We all know that most well-qualified consumers prefer to do business with people who support worthy causes. But today, when the market is full of unprofessional wannabe photographers, being part of a high-profile international effort to help others serves to elevate your professional standing: This is your chance to show the world what talented, committed PPA photographers can do when they stand together to support such a worthy cause.
Please Donate by December 15!
When you contribute $240 by December 15, you will be listed as a 2010 Operation Smile Leadership Studio. What’s more, you’ll qualify for a $500 cash drawing at Imaging USA, and have a chance to win a life-changing experience: the opportunity to document an Operation Smile Medical Mission.
We still need 138 more Operation Smile Studios in order to meet our January 2010 donation goal of $70,000. I hope you will help to put us over the top!
To donate now, please click here.
You can watch our progress by becoming an Operation Smile Studio Facebook Fan. Just clickhere.
To view videos of Operation Smile at work, click here.
Learn more ways to help reach PPA Charities' $70,000 donation goal (and support Operation Smile and PPA Charities year-round) by visiting the PPACH website.