Oct 2011
A Birthday Program You Should Know About NOW!
October/18/2011 Marathon
I want to let you know about a brand-new Birthday Marketing Campaign for children ages 1-5 that I've been involved with developing at Marathon Press. It’s important that you pay attention to it now, as it is a ZIP Code-protected program, and Marathon is about to start marketing it nationwide. Zip Code protection means that only one studio in a given market area can use it, so if you are interested you must act NOW, and I mean NOW . . . not next week.
Designed to Get Attention!
This compelling, affordable campaign features 2 unique mailing pieces, which assure that your message definitely will be read. How can I say this with such certainty?
- The first mailing consists of a distinctive 2-part marketing piece — a fold-out card and a carrier. The card must be removed from its carrier and opened in order to be viewed and read, and parents can't resist opening something that reminds them about their child's upcoming birthday.
- Once opened, the eye-catching graphics will hold parents' attention as they see your images and read your specific marketing message and special offer.
- Two weeks later, parents will receive a follow-up post card featuring the same graphics — just the type of repetition you need to get your message noticed!

What's more, you can add a FREE blogsite web presence that reflects the same graphic style that parents responded to in your mailings!
Mailings Are Done For You . . . Automatically!
You decide how many mailings you wish to do each month, based on ZIP Code selection and household income, then Marathon takes it from there by sending the mailings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Think of the time you will save and the impression you will make as your prospects receive highly professional mailings from your business! Imagine how much parents will appreciate being reminded that it's time to update their child's portrait! You can even add parents of children in your own database if you wish.
You pay only $2.29 per prospect for printing, processing and posting both mailings (with customized inserts), including list selection, postage, and Birthday Blogsite. To register, you must pay a one-time fee of $199 . . . however, if you act NOW, while most ZIP Codes are available, you'll pay only $59!
Additional No-Charge Support from Marathon
Marathon knows that the success of birthday marketing campaigns depends on creating a marketing message and offer that is appropriate for where you are presently positioned in the market as well as understanding how to make the most of each client who responds to your marketing campaign. Marathon's marketing professionals will provide you with important feedback to assure that you are on the right track with your Birthday Program marketing campaign.
Act NOW, Or It Will Be Too Late!
For more information on this exciting program, click here. To learn whether your ZIP Code is available, call a Marathon Account Representative today at 800/228.0629!
Who's at the Door?
October/15/2011 Debt Crisis
Power Line Blog held a prize competition for $100,000 for whoever can most effectively and creatively dramatize the significance of the federal debt crisis. Any creative product was eligible: videos, songs, paintings, screenplays, Power Point presentations, essays, performance art, or anything else. Several entries have gotten a lot of attention and a lot of views or listens. But unquestionably, the one that has most gone viral so far is Doorbell. If you haven’t yet seen it, you can watch it here.