Airline Adventures
Now that the new year is upon us, I’m traveling again. If airline travel were not already enough of a pain, the near miss by the now infamous “Underpants Bomber” who, except for the quick action and bravery of passengers aboard the Northwest plane that could have been blown to smithereens over Detroit on Christmas Day, will assure another layer of misery for travelers. I found this to be true when I set out for ImagingUSA in Nashville from Harrisburg and was subjected to a thorough pat-down by TSA personnel.
Long before this Christmas Day 2009 debacle, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) had replaced the U.S. Postal Service as the number one target of political cartoonists. Here are two of the latest cartoon commentaries on TSA operations:

My personal favorite is this post-Captain Underpants commentary, which effectively sums up the situation:

However . . . I recently saw a youtube video, which proved that not all airline travel is gloomy: Take a look at how TAP Portugal wished their passengers a Merry Christmas at Lisbon Airport in a very unusual way.
Long before this Christmas Day 2009 debacle, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) had replaced the U.S. Postal Service as the number one target of political cartoonists. Here are two of the latest cartoon commentaries on TSA operations:

My personal favorite is this post-Captain Underpants commentary, which effectively sums up the situation:

However . . . I recently saw a youtube video, which proved that not all airline travel is gloomy: Take a look at how TAP Portugal wished their passengers a Merry Christmas at Lisbon Airport in a very unusual way.