The Joy of Judging in Georgia
June/26/2009 PPA
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Last week I was honored to serve as a juror at the PPA International Print Competition in Atlanta. I don’t know a single juror who wouldn’t agree that this opportunity to view so many spectacular images in one place is an incredible thrill. As usual, I learned not only from viewing the images, but also from the commentary of my fellow jurors, who are shown here with an incredible group of photography students from the Gwinnett Technical College, where the competition was held for the first time. Everyone was extremely impressed with both the campus and the Gwinnett Tech students, who not only kept us on track with their outstanding assistance, they also were eager to learn from the judging process and the judges themselves. Thanks to Kim Harkins, Program Director of Commercial Photography, and her fine staff for the great job they do and for the help they gave PPA in making the judging such a success. If you want to learn more about the Gwinnett Tech photography program, you can visit their website at And if you want to learn what the world of a photography student is like these days, you might enjoy clicking on some of student blogs that are linked to the blog home page.

If you’ve never attended a judging, you have no idea how much hard work goes on behind these scenes: Getting judging booths set up . . .

. . . getting ready to sort a ton of prints . . .

. . . learning our way around and not to follow Audrey Wanckett :-) . . .

. . . and getting our marching orders from Overall Jury Chairman and PEC Chairman Helen Yancy (standing at right). When judging was completed, Helen announced to the group that this would be her final year as PEC Chair, much to the sadness of us all. Both PEC and PPA owe Helen a huge debt of gratitude for stepping in when our dear friend and then PEC Chair Buddy Stewart was taken ill and passed away. Only those who have done the heavy lifting involved with serving as PEC Chair and as Overall Jury Chair will ever know how much work it takes to do these jobs . . . more than being President of PPA. So thanks, Helen, for your knowledge, your caring, and your exceptional dedication to PPA!

Here are some of the hardworking Gwinnett Tech students getting information on PPA’s Student Photographic Society from Anne Mahaffey, at left, who works in PPA’s Membership Department.

Lest you think that judging is all work and no play, let me show you these shots of PPA Past Presidents, Bert Behnke and Dennis Craft. Who knew you could have so much fun on a trip to the grocery store?

Our most fun event was joining an evening steak cookout courtesy of students at the Judge’s Workshop. Here’s Jury Chairman-in-Training Tim Walden being served his steak by J.B. Sallee, who it turns out is not only a brilliant photographer, he also is an incredible chef. Never had a better steak, and I passed on some of his grilling hints to Jim, so I’m expecting a great 4th of July weekend steak!

If you’ve never attended a judging, you have no idea how much hard work goes on behind these scenes: Getting judging booths set up . . .

. . . getting ready to sort a ton of prints . . .

. . . learning our way around and not to follow Audrey Wanckett :-) . . .

. . . and getting our marching orders from Overall Jury Chairman and PEC Chairman Helen Yancy (standing at right). When judging was completed, Helen announced to the group that this would be her final year as PEC Chair, much to the sadness of us all. Both PEC and PPA owe Helen a huge debt of gratitude for stepping in when our dear friend and then PEC Chair Buddy Stewart was taken ill and passed away. Only those who have done the heavy lifting involved with serving as PEC Chair and as Overall Jury Chair will ever know how much work it takes to do these jobs . . . more than being President of PPA. So thanks, Helen, for your knowledge, your caring, and your exceptional dedication to PPA!

Here are some of the hardworking Gwinnett Tech students getting information on PPA’s Student Photographic Society from Anne Mahaffey, at left, who works in PPA’s Membership Department.

Lest you think that judging is all work and no play, let me show you these shots of PPA Past Presidents, Bert Behnke and Dennis Craft. Who knew you could have so much fun on a trip to the grocery store?

Our most fun event was joining an evening steak cookout courtesy of students at the Judge’s Workshop. Here’s Jury Chairman-in-Training Tim Walden being served his steak by J.B. Sallee, who it turns out is not only a brilliant photographer, he also is an incredible chef. Never had a better steak, and I passed on some of his grilling hints to Jim, so I’m expecting a great 4th of July weekend steak!