Ann Monteith’s “Beyond Guerrilla Management” Workshop
- Narrowing your focus to the most important business concerns
- Adopting the proper model for your business
- How to deal with the "The Disc" issue.
- The importance of shooting for the sale
- Pricing your products for guaranteed profit
- Creating price lists that promise value to the client and profit for you
- Increasing your sales averages substantially
- Making small financial changes that produce large profits
- Making the sales process comfortable for you and your client
- Overcoming client price objections and “stalls”
- Perfecting your business image
- Spending your marketing dollars wisely
- Scheduling promotions when they're most needed
- Gaining repeat business and client referrals
- Creating a focused business concept
- Differentiating your business from the competition
- Merchandising your photography just like the experts
- Creating a “buzz” about your business
- Collecting meaningful client data and “marketing back” to clients
- Tracking business progress
- Diagnosing business problems and fixing them
- Knowing your financial position daily—not just at tax time
- Making sense of your financial information
- Simplifying financial and client record-keeping
- Saving time on bill-paying and banking
- Assuring adequate cash flow
- Deciding when and how to hire employees
- The importance of streamlining workflow
- Saving time through automation and organization
- Fulfilling your personal financial requirements (and even desires)
- Working fewer hours while making more money
- Taking total control of your business future
- Knowing the best times to purchase equipment
- . . . and many others . . .
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1-800-842-2349  1-717-867-2135