Ann Monteith’s Guerrilla Management Workshops
• Guerrilla Management works for any portrait/wedding photography business model. It works best for studios that have at least some business history. If you are a startup business, we suggest that you call to clarify your goals before registering. Whether your business is low priced/high volume, high priced/low volume, or anything in between, you can benefit from the workshop. Your market area (rural or metropolitan) doesn’t matter either. And, because we take your goals and your entire business situation into account, we don’t force you to conform to a specific business model.
• 4 days might seem like a lot of time to be away from your business. But getting away is actually one of the best things you can do for your business. Doing so will allow you to leave day-to-day pressures behind, so you can totally focus on what makes your business tick, how you can improve it, and how to turn a substantial profit. When you return to your studio, you will truly be able to work “smarter not harder.”
• We know that everyone progresses at a different pace, and some studios have more complex problems than others. So we are available for those who need extra assistance.
• To make sure you get plenty of one-on-one interaction and guidance, we limit each workshop to no more than 15 studios. When we committed to this type of hands-on class, we knew we were hindering our earning potential as instructors. But we decided on this limit because we know there are no shortcuts for photographers to take control of their businesses. The process works; and to see studio after studio achieving financial success is a reward unto itself.
• The workshop is packed with information and activities, divided almost equally between classroom-style instruction and hands-on sessions. We’ve intentionally designed the schedule to be flexible enough to keep everyone on task, while providing adequate time for personal one-on-one attention and learning through group sharing. No other form of photography business education provides you with such personalized attention.
• Guerrilla Management attendees tell us that the workshop was a true turning point in their business. Many say that they no longer think of themselves as “just photographers,” but as business people whose business is photography. This happens because we don’t give you a fish, we teach you how to fish, so you can solve your future business problems yourself. Our favorite comments come from those who say “I’m no longer stressed out about the future of my business because I know I can handle anything that comes along.”
• Some photographers prefer to keep their financial situation to themselves and don’t want to share information with others in the workshop. That’s no problem at all. You do not have to reveal your information to other class members — only to the instructors. However, please let us know of your concern prior to class, and we will make certain that you are seated in a location where you can work privately.
• When you attend the workshop, you will receive 1 PPA Continuing Education Merit. Your Merit will be sent to you by PPA after you return home.
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• Guerrilla Management works for any portrait/wedding photography business model. It works best for studios that have at least some business history. If you are a startup business, we suggest that you call to clarify your goals before registering. Whether your business is low priced/high volume, high priced/low volume, or anything in between, you can benefit from the workshop. Your market area (rural or metropolitan) doesn’t matter either. And, because we take your goals and your entire business situation into account, we don’t force you to conform to a specific business model.
• 4 days might seem like a lot of time to be away from your business. But getting away is actually one of the best things you can do for your business. Doing so will allow you to leave day-to-day pressures behind, so you can totally focus on what makes your business tick, how you can improve it, and how to turn a substantial profit. When you return to your studio, you will truly be able to work “smarter not harder.”
• We know that everyone progresses at a different pace, and some studios have more complex problems than others. So we are available for those who need extra assistance.
• To make sure you get plenty of one-on-one interaction and guidance, we limit each workshop to no more than 15 studios. When we committed to this type of hands-on class, we knew we were hindering our earning potential as instructors. But we decided on this limit because we know there are no shortcuts for photographers to take control of their businesses. The process works; and to see studio after studio achieving financial success is a reward unto itself.
• The workshop is packed with information and activities, divided almost equally between classroom-style instruction and hands-on sessions. We’ve intentionally designed the schedule to be flexible enough to keep everyone on task, while providing adequate time for personal one-on-one attention and learning through group sharing. No other form of photography business education provides you with such personalized attention.
• Guerrilla Management attendees tell us that the workshop was a true turning point in their business. Many say that they no longer think of themselves as “just photographers,” but as business people whose business is photography. This happens because we don’t give you a fish, we teach you how to fish, so you can solve your future business problems yourself. Our favorite comments come from those who say “I’m no longer stressed out about the future of my business because I know I can handle anything that comes along.”
• Some photographers prefer to keep their financial situation to themselves and don’t want to share information with others in the workshop. That’s no problem at all. You do not have to reveal your information to other class members — only to the instructors. However, please let us know of your concern prior to class, and we will make certain that you are seated in a location where you can work privately.
• When you attend the workshop, you will receive 1 PPA Continuing Education Merit. Your Merit will be sent to you by PPA after you return home.
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