New for 2016 . . .
Ann Monteith’s One-on-One
Mentoring Sessions
> Want to get your new photography business off on the right foot?
> Need help building the profit of your existing business?
Ann Monteith can help.
Ann Monteith is the industry’s leading authority on portrait/wedding photography marketing and financial management for home-based businesses, retail-location businesses and boutique studios. Many of today’s most financially successful photographers credit her with starting them on the road to profitability.
Thousands of photographers have attended her workshops, and she has tutored hundreds more through Professional Photographers of America, her own private workshops and those sponsored by major industry vendors. Her goal has always been three-fold:
▪ To help photographers make more money
▪ To allow photographers to achieve more leisure time for themselves and their families
▪ To help photographers take control of the present and future direction of their businesses.
Ann explains why she is committed to helping photographers improve their businesses:
The business of photography today is vastly different from the days when I struggled with my first studio; there are just as many challenges, plus there is far more competition. But one thing hasn’t changed: to succeed in any business, you must create systems that allow the business to function smoothly.
In photography, key systems include Marketing and Branding, Financial Management, Product Development, Workflow, Pricing, and Selling. These are the subjects that I cover in my One-on-One Tutorial Mentoring Sessions.
Whether you are new to the business or trying to find your way out of the fog created by so much competition, I promise that our sessions will jump-start your business and put it on a firm footing for future success.