Presidential Poll Results and a Welcome Diversion

When my thoroughly-non-scientific presidential poll closed on election day last Tuesday, I was a bit surprised to view such round numbers: 100 photographers voted, and the result was a dead heat: 50 for McCain and 50 for Obama. I didn’t expect that photographers would mirror what turned out to be the actual popular vote division of 53% for Obama and 47% for McCain because frankly I expected business owners to vote in larger numbers for McCain, purely on the basis of Obama’s stance on increasing business taxes.
In the final days of the election, I was delighted to have my mind distracted by Helen Yancy’s annual Digital Art Class at my Deep Creek, Maryland home. It’s one of the highlights of my year to have Helen spend time at Deep Creek and to meet a new group of digital art students. This particular group was undoubtedly the most advanced group Helen has taught at my place, and the entire class was a pleasure to be get to know. Here we are outside on what most probably was this year’s last day of Indian summer weather.

I think I finally began to make progress on using Corel Painter during Helen’s class. My digital progress has been decidedly slow, but I’m finally beginning to be comfortable with Photoshop, and I managed to complete my first “I-did-it-myself” painting (see below). Wow was this fun . . . kind of like finger painting for adults! Can’t wait for next year! If anyone wants to get on the list for Helen’s 2009 class, just drop me an email.

Who Will Get Your Vote for President?
As a business owner, your vote for president is always important. This is especially true in 2008, given the current uncertainty about the economy brought on by the collapse of confidence in the worldwide banking system. So I thought it would be interesting to know how photographers plan to vote next Tuesday. I hope you will take a moment to respond to this anonymous one-vote-per-computer survey. I'd like to get as many votes from photographers as possible, so please feel free to pass this link on to photographers you know and ask them to vote as well. Unlike some members of the traditional media, I'll wait to report the final result of this humble survey until after the polls have closed :-).