What A Nice Honor!

I was so pleased to learn from Cameron Bishopp, editor of Professional Photographer magazine, that an article I wrote for the May 2007 issue was honored with a Gold Award from the Southeast Magazine Association. Entitled "What Women Want," the article explained how boutique studios appeal to upscale women clients. It was part of a package created on marketing and selling to women. If you wish to download a copy, just click here. Thanks to the following boutique studio owners who allowed me to pick their brains for the article: Lori Nordstrom, Sarah Petty, Sam Puc', Vicki and Jed Taufer, Beverly and Tim Walden, and Jeff and Julia Woods.
It was great to learn that the magazine earned a bunch of awards (7 Golds and 1 Silver), and best of all . . . First Place for General Excellence, awarded to the magazine that presents the best overall packaging, showcasing excellence in content selection, writing and reporting, as well as design and illustration.
Great job, Cameron!!