Do You Suffer from IOS?
November/15/2009 Silly Stuff

As much as I love my Macs, and as much as I need my iPhone when I travel, nothing irritates me more than what cell phones and digital devices are doing to fragment personal relationships and the ability to achieve business focus. I’ve been so concerned about this phenomenon that I read the book Crazy Busy, the subtitle of which is Overstretched, Overbooked, and About to Snap! Strategies for Coping in a World Gone ADD. I learned a lot about the real dangers of overdosing on technology, written by the guy who apparently is THE expert on Attention Deficit Disorder. He concludes that today just about everyone has the symptoms of ADD because of technology distraction. I’m not surprised. It’s really rather serious stuff, so it was fun when I discovered this lighthearted view of the subject by Xerox.