A Happy New Year in 2011?

The Taufers are one of 56 American families struggling to bring their legally adopted children back to America. Vicki has been in Nepal with Nima since August awaiting a visa to allow them to enter the U.S.; Jed joined them on Christmas Eve, but he must return to the U.S. soon. Read about their story here.
The fact is, Jed and Vicki need our help to bring their precious adopted daughter, Nima Jade, home.
There are two ways you can help Vicki, Jed, and Nima:
1. CLICK THIS LINK AND SIGN THE PETITION OR COPY AND PASTE THIS TO YOUR BROWSER: http://www.petition2congress.com/3867/bring-stranded-nepali-adoptees-home-now/
2. CONTRIBUTE ALL YOU CAN TO THE TAUFER FAMILY ADOPTION FUND BY CLICKING HERE. So far Jed and Vicki and their supportive families have borne the tremendous financial burden of fighting for Nima by themselves, but you can just imagine how emotionally and financially crushing it is to run a business and advocate for your child in a country so far away at the same time. The Taufers' generosity is well known throughout the photography industry, so now it's time for us to reach out to help them.
Whether or not you are in a position contribute, take a moment to view Vicki’s incredible images of Nepal and the beautiful children who are waiting to be embraced by loving families and communities here in America. Thousands of people now know their stories because of the talent and commitment of Vicki and Jed Taufer to share these images around the globe. Please hold them all in your hearts and help any way you can! www.nimajade.com