Box It In Style!
November/23/2007 BellaGrafica

I hear from the folks at Marathon that the gorgeous 8x10 boxes from their new BellaGrafica Packaging Collection are flying off the shelves, and no wonder: they are just what style-conscious photographers have been looking for! The design of each box has been coordinated to harmonize with other collection items designed by six of the biggest names in Boutique Studios. The packaging collection also includes the wonderfully versatile Portrait Delivery Bags shown below. These fantastic bags feature a 4x6 pocket that lets you personalize the bag for the person receiving it, which assures that she will be showing her treasured bag to friends all over town! To learn more about this extra-special packaging line, click here.

Be among the first to see the more than 150 new boutique studio marketing products that Marathon will be releasing in the coming weeks by signing up for product-notification emails at These spectacular products, which have special appeal to women, were inspired and developed by some of the best marketers in the photographic industry: Lori Nordstrom, Sandy Puc', Sarah Petty, Vicki and Jed Taufer, Beverly and Tim Walden, and Jeff and Julia Woods.
One important point to consider when purchasing elegant packaging . . . all packaging items are charged to Cost of Sales, which has a definite impact on pricing. Yes, you do have to charge more for your products when they are delivered in beautiful packaging, but that's the good news: You'll be making a strong statement to the market that your work is worthy of beautiful presentation, and the additional profit you make when you mark up these increased costs will allow you to spend the time necessary to pamper your boutique clients, who in turn are bound to create buzz with their friends about their great experience with you!