Make More Money Conference . . . It Was Just Ducky!
August/02/2007 Great Events
The Peabody Hotel—was a perfect setting for the 2007 Make More Money Conference. It's iconic ducks—which appeared in or on everything, from the lobby fountain (real ducks) to towels and toilet issue, and even in pastries, which were as delicious as they were beautiful—were a very potent reminder of how important branding is to the long-term success of a business. This famous Memphis landmark has in fact been in business since 1869.

The conference itself drew over 600 photographers who were eager to learn all they could about marketing, management and workflow. It's simply amazing to me how digital has shifted the demand away from classes on technique to classes on how to run a business. In my opinion, the industry is better because of this transformation: There certainly is no shortage of outstanding images being made, and there are lot more profitable businesses because of this shift.
Just like last year, every program was a highlight for me, and the trade show was great as well. Plus it was such fun to see so many great friends. I heard nothing but wonderful comments and appreciation for such a meaningful event.

The conference itself drew over 600 photographers who were eager to learn all they could about marketing, management and workflow. It's simply amazing to me how digital has shifted the demand away from classes on technique to classes on how to run a business. In my opinion, the industry is better because of this transformation: There certainly is no shortage of outstanding images being made, and there are lot more profitable businesses because of this shift.
Just like last year, every program was a highlight for me, and the trade show was great as well. Plus it was such fun to see so many great friends. I heard nothing but wonderful comments and appreciation for such a meaningful event.