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Silly Stuff

Are You Having One of Those Stressful Days?

If you are . . . I thought you might enjoy seeing the stress-reduction remedy that my Marketing Workshop buddy Mark Weber supplied to me. To make use of it, just follow the directions:


Snack Time With Charlie

Just had to share this too funny photo that Helen Yancy sent me today. This is Charlie, Helen's goldendoodle. Apparently Charlie has the Yancy household under complete control. Looking forward to rooming with Helen next week at the Texas School . . . we have a lot to catch up on!


Need a Good Laugh?

Carol Andrews passed a great link on to me under the heading "Your Screen Looks Dirty: Use this!"

Click here and enjoy!

Meet Another Duck Buddy . . .

I enjoyed the Peabody Hotel's ducks so much that they made me think about another duck friend of mine. You can find him on a wonderful web-based cartoon strip series called "What the Duck" at whattheduck.net. "What" is the creation of artist Aaron Johnson who writes about and draws a struggling professional photographer who happens to be a duck. I've become addicted to What's very familiar situations. There are lots of fun things to look at on the WTD site. When you click on the home page, check out the merchandise (cute), then go to the strip archives to see lots of great episodes, such as the one below.

What The Duck

Before you sign off, make sure that you click on the home page link entitled "WTD TV" (upper right corner). PLEASE DON'T MISS THIS ANIMATED GEM. Every photographer who has ever photographed a holy terror child will love this one. There's even a free download for your iPod/iPhone. What's particularly amusing to me is that the child's voice sounds exactly like my grandson when he was around two and going through the mini-tantrum stage. Thanks to What, I'll never forget Lucas at that age.

Attention Parents!

Attention Parents Sign

This sign caught my eye while having lunch at a fun restaurant across from the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, during the Make More Money Conference. Wouldn't you just LOVE to post a sign like this in your studio for certain parents to read?